Here are some tips when sending out your email campaign……8 Email copy tips you should note


1. Personalization
Its important to personalize your email with name of the person you sending to…as you see in the mail am sending now.

2. Write just like you talk
Use plain, easy to understand English. Nobody cares if you can use xenophobia and
ostentatious in a sentence. Write almost like you’re talking to a buddy over a beer. So that
means use contractions. Be friendly and personable in your writing.

3. Put passion into your email
Since you won’t have the luxury of seeing your prospect eye-to-eye to gauge their
reactions you need to put extra passion into your message. Even if you think you are
overdoing it when you write, your letter will end understated when it gets read.

4. Write to one person
Try to think of the ideal prospect as you are writing and make the message just for them. Even if your email list is 5000 plus try make it look like you writing to just them– every person will read it one at a time. Use “you” and “your” liberally. Focus on them, not yourself.

5. Keep your sentences and paragraphs short
Keep your sentences and paragraphs short and simple. Period. Sentences (and even paragraphs) can even be one word like that last one. And paragraphs should be no more than 4 or 5 lines. You want your email to look easy to read. Make it inviting. Long blocks of words are scary. Paragraph breaks do not need to be determined by content.

6. Use plenty of compelling subheads
Subheads should be like mini-headlines. Use them to break up large bodies of text and to bring people back into the body of the letter.
A lot of people will scan your email so you need to make you subheads give a complete selling message by themselves. Also, be sure to use different graphics.

7. Eliminate excess words
Simplify. Convey your message in a clear and concise manner — but remember that
doesn’t mean keep it short. You need to ruthlessly edit your email for flow.

8. Use action verbs whenever possible
If you see too many “as”, “is”, “was” or “were” replace them. Sentences using action verbs are more powerful. When writing your email you want it clear enough so even a 6year old could understand it…..nobody has time anymore to sit down and figure out what you’re trying to say — so keep your writing simple and straightforward.

Some extra tips:
1: Give your subscribers option to be removed from your email list
2: Remind your contact how they got to your email list.
3: Make sure you set a clear call to action…that is make your links clickable.

Abah Moses
Whatsapp: +2347062062979
Owner at brownmailer


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