How To Write Effective Cold Emails

Cold emailing is considered the most difficult type of email marketing in Denver. Most emails are either unread or end up in the spam box. With cold emails, this problem is further amplified because in this strategy the marketer sends emails to recipients they haven’t had previous contact with. This may seem spammy to some. The only difference between a spam mail and a cold mail is that the latter is a real offer sent by a real person or company. But despite the low conversion rates, cold emailing can generate good leads if done right. Here are some tips that can help:

Keep It Short & Simple

People cannot afford to spend hours or even minutes reading a message. If the mail includes long paragraphs detailing every service in Denver email marketing agency provides, the reader might send mail to the junk section. To avoid this, the writer should draft a short and simple message. A length of 4-5 sentences is the best. The subject line should also be short, up to 45 characters for desktop and 20 characters for smartphones.

Personalize The Message

Wherever possible, the sender should personalize the draft to address the receivers’ wants and needs. Using words like ‘you’ more than ‘I’, ‘we’ or ‘they’ helps.

Prioritize The Recipient’s Needs

The focus of the email’s content should be on how the sender can help the receiver achieve their goals and not on what the sender does for a living. An email that convinces the reader that the company can help the reader will generate more leads than the one listing the company’s products and features. The email’s body should not include the company’s intro, the receiver can find more about the company by checking the link in the sign-off.

Place Contact Info In Signature

The signature should include all the necessary contact info like the sender’s real name, professional email id, designation, phone number, company’s website link, etc. This lets the receiver verify the sender’s authenticity and builds some credibility. Instead of generic email ids like, one should use domain email id and with their name like Adding the company’s info at sign off removes the need to introduce the company and gives more space to focus on the recipient.

Track Messages

Like with other marketing strategies, it’s important to find out if email marketing in Denver is working or not. There are many programs that can help track the necessary data. The data a marketer should focus on includes the following:

● Open Rate: Refers to how many times an email has been opened. It can be used to see if the subject line is working.

● Response Rate: Refers to how many times a message has been responded to. It can be used to see the message’s effectiveness.

● Sales Generated: It’s usually higher than the previous two. If there’s no increase in sales despite the improvement in open rate and response rate then the message needs to be realigned with the sender’s purpose.

● Attachment Engagement Rate: Here the marketer checks if the attachments engage the reader until the end or are dropped in the middle.

The marketer should wait up to 200-300 emails before changing the strategy.

Follow Up

The first mail rarely generates leads. Follow-up emails after every 3-7 days may increase the chances of a response to 85 percent. The sender should also take note of the open rate or attachment engagement rate to understand if the reader is at least slightly interested in the message before sending a follow-up.

Give The Reader A Choice

The call to action should not seem demanding and pushy. No one likes being told what to do, especially by strangers. The CTA should be written in a tone that sounds like a polite request, giving the reader a choice between responding to the mail or ignoring it. From a psychological standpoint, people are more likely to listen to requests than demands.


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